GS - tested safety

The symbol for "GS - Tested Safety" is an internationally recognised quality mark. It is only awarded to products that meet the requirements that go beyond the legal requirements.

The GS mark is intended to ensure that the technical requirements for the safety of a product are met and monitored by an independent testing company. The award of the GS mark is regulated in the Product Safety Act and is limited to a maximum of five years. If the tested product is changed, it will be automatically extinguished. All the effects of the product on human health and safety must be tested. Of course, very different tests are required from product to product. The very general specifications determine the scope of the test in detail.

In order to be allowed to affix the GS mark, the manufacturer must subject his product to a type examination by a test centre. To maintain the certificate, inspections are carried out in the manufacturer's factory. It checks whether the product produced still corresponds to the tested sample or whether changes have been made. Such inspections, which are mostly annual, also include quality control and final product testing. The aim is to determine whether serial production of the product works.

Components of the GS test

  •     type examination of the product
  •     Test for compliance with all legal requirements
  •     Regular product monitoring and production site inspection
  •     Production verification of the serial sample for the prototype
  •     Awarding of a GS mark for 5 years

Product requirements

  •     Safety in accordance with European directives and standards (CE conformity)
  •     Compliance with the specifications of the Product Safety Committee for the GS mark (e. g. PAH)