• M116501 Multicoloured - Catalogue neutral - mbw

Art.no.: M116501


Catalogue neutral

mbw® catalogue with industry prices (neutral)

TheCatalogue neutral: Make a lasting impression with our products. 160 pages will give you inspiration around toys and gifts. Discover new articles and new characters, a completely new range to serve new target groups, creative customisation options, sustainable materials and inspiring ideas. Please note: Orders of more than 30 pieces or re-orders above the free quantity will be charged with 2,50 Euro/piece. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.

Size / stock:
5,95 EUR incl. VAT
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Product details

  • Product dimensions:
    30.00 cm
    21.00 cm
  • Material:
  • Weight: 550g
  • PU: 15 pieces

Customising Options

Note: The stated measurement units only serve as guidelines and can possibly deviate slightly. We will be pleased to discuss your customising requests with you personally.

Technique Position Form Dimensions
Pad-printing Backside rectangle width: 160mm
height: 60mm
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